You know you need a great product manager resume, but you don't know what that looks like.
We've curated nine examples of product manager resumes in a before / after format: you can see what they looked like originally, and how they were optimised for even better results.
If you're looking for our guide on writing your resume, as well as a simple product manager resume template in Google Docs or Word then check out this article:
Hustle Badger Guide to Writing an awesome product manager resume
Product Manager Resume Examples
1: Senior Product Manager Resume Example
Before version
What's good about this product manager resume example already:
- Has a clear, compact structure, which divides the sections well
- Experience includes a line describing what the company does, and what the individual did in each role
- There is a tight summary at the top, with the key words highlighted
- The experience bullet points are well evidenced, with lots of numbers
After version
Improvements made
The "before" version was already good, so the main edits here are designed to make it even tighter and easier to read:
- Reduce to 1 page to make it easy to digest
- Tightened up the summary
- Removed words that were implied, vague or filler
- Reduced down to 3 lines, keeping just the information that was specific to this person
- Made the overall positioning of the person more distinctive
- Removed this section, as not super high value - most PMs would put very similar terms, and it doesn't give the reader any idea how good they are at each skill
- This saves space and pulls up the experience at big name brands (eBay, Walmart)
- Condensed some of the experience from longer ago, to put more emphasis on recent, high impact work
- Added duration of each role after dates, to make it easier to see where time has been spent
- Trimmed certifications that can position individual as too delivery focused, and not as a strategic thinker (e.g. PSPO)
2: Senior Product Manager Resume Example
Before version
What's good about this product manager resume example already:
- Has a two column format that is neat, with clear divisions between the different sections
- Experience bullet points have lots of numbers in and highlight impact delivered
- Fits onto a single page
- Good level of detail - focus is on the most recent roles and isn't overwhelming
After version
Improvements made
- Added numbers wherever possible
- Moved skills to keywords, rather than subjective rating
- Removed adjectives which are subjective and phrases that are specific to the individual
- Cut the whole second paragraph which was very generic, and replaced it with a paragraph that highlights deep expertise in experimentation.
- Added numbers wherever possible.
- Highlighted keywords in bold.
- Highlights keywords in bold
- Kept role bullet points consistent (change between green and white is confusing in the original)
- Removed adjectives like "remarkable" which are subjective
- Removed the dots, which were ambiguous
- Added more keywords to optimise for automated screening
- Removed the dots, which were ambiguous. Replaced with standard terms to describe language fluency, e.g. "native", "fluent", "basic" etc.
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3: Senior Product Manager Resume Example
Before version
What's good about this product manager resume example already:
- This product manager resume example is very comprehensive and provides a lot of detail
- Includes a summary at the top
- Includes key achievements before diving into career experience
After version
Improvements made
- Changed format as visually the before version was very difficult to parse
- Tightened up the summary and highlighted keywords
- Condensed professional experience and added numbers wherever possible
- Removed subjective words and generic phrases
- Added highlights to keywords
- Added divider to make this stand out from rest of CV
- Changed format to highlight company names and create visual interest, making it easier to parse
- Tightened up descriptions of companies
- Added numbers wherever possible
- Cut experience >10 years old
- Removed professional certifications, as many of these demonstrated capability as a scrum master, not a product manager
4: Senior Product Manager Resume Example
Before version
What's good about this product manager resume example already:
- The summaries in blue on the right hand side make it really clear what the individual has done
- Tight, differentiated summary at the top
- Clear sections and formatting
- Good use of white space to make it easy to read
After version
Improvements made
This CV was iterated on over several months as the individual got feedback from recruiters. The main things they changed are:
- Added descriptions of what the company actually does, roughly what scale and what my role was. This was most important when they were applying outside the sector they had been in, because hirers didn’t recognise any of the companies.
- Bolder sections that reflect the requirements of the role. If the role was about activation I made sure there was a bold activation somewhere high up with a good example.
- Highlighted the experience that made them seem unique, rather than covered the table stakes. Hiring managers read through hundreds of CVs, and see exactly the same language on almost all of them: "data driven", "agile", "lean", "results focussed"... These aren’t meaningful differentiators, so there's no point including them.
- Changed the font from serif to sans serif to make it more readable.
- Note that this person has had several different "careers" and the summaries in blue on the right hand side are really effective at helping hiring managers make sense of this.
5: Senior Product Manager Resume Example
Before version
What's good about this product manager resume example already:
- Experience bullets have lots of numbers and are well quantified
- Single line description of what each company does
- Template shows how individual has been promoted at same company
- Short summary at top of CV
After version
Improvements made
- Put the margins back to regular size to avoid cramped look
- Cut down experience to make more readable and focus on highlights
- Highlighted keywords and focused on the narrative around being an API / platform ecosystem expert
- Cut down experience, focusing on elements that reinforced the summary
- Reduce length of bullet points to make them 2 lines max
- Fixed formatting of dates to keep them in line with bullet text
- Removed bullets that sounded generic or were hard to understand
- Added in major for the undergraduate degree to increase credibility and show candidate also has an aesthetic side, in addition to technical skills (which are evident from experience)
Additional information
- Left this to optimise keywords for automated screeners.